School Committee Candidate: Veronica Miranda

Why are you running for school committee and what particular skills do you bring to the position?

I'm running for school committee to amplify the voices of those in my community that often go unheard and ensure they are represented in our decision-making. Our schools are the bedrock of our community, and I believe educating our kids holistically allows them the opportunity to reach their full academic potential. I hope to continue to work alongside other committee members and the superintendent to strive towards an inclusive environment that educators and scholars can thrive in. I am bringing my attention to detail, knowledge of mental health, empathy, and community building skills to the table, along with the skills that were developed through my lived experiences. 

What is one step you will take as a school committee member to advance education equity in Salem?

I am committed to building on “being of and for'' the community, strengthening our capacity for feedback, and emphasizing the need to meet the people where they are to break down barriers to access. I think trust building across different parts of the community will advance education equity. 

How will you balance continued student needs with potentially-lower funding overall?

I’ll advocate for funding on federal, state and local levels, collaborating with stakeholders to ensure we can secure adequate funding, and look for ways that we can decrease the costs of our most costly expenses (such as transportation). When we are unable to fund all we would like to, I will prioritize equity in all budget decisions. 

Plans for constructing a new high school are moving forward, as the city recently appointed a high school construction project task force. How will you exercise appropriate oversight and support for the project?

I will serve as a bridge between community members seeking information and the individuals or resources that can provide them with the correct information, while respecting the decisions made by my fellow community and committee members. I will support the project by centering my focus on what's best for the children in Salem Public Schools as I weigh my votes.

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