At-Large Candidate: Domingo Dominguez

Question 1: Why are you running for Councilor and what particular skills can you bring to the position?
I am running to represent my family and my community. Family is the most important thing to me besides God, and Salem has given me support in raising my family and becoming a homeowner. I have learned through many experiences what it takes to have a beautiful life in Salem, and I want everyone who lives here to have that same opportunity. I have been a teacher, a business owner, a community leader, and raised a family. I know what to fight for because I know many Salem residents have the same dreams and concerns as me.

We have a large percentage of Latino residents and right now I am the only councilor who can communicate effectively in English and Spanish and have grown up in that culture. I have a strong belief in the importance of being independent and working across the aisle. I do not believe we can make the best decisions when politicians are working against each other, or when there are members of our community who do not think their voice is heard or that the people representing them already have their mind made up. I believe I have proven my dedication to this city and will work every day to continue to do so.


  • Passaic High School Class of 1984
    Lee University Class of 1989 (Business)
    Fordham University Master in bilingual Ed 1991 (not finish)
    President of the North Shore Latino Business Association
    President of the Salem Latino Festival

  • Former Vice president of the Board of Directors CDC

  • Former Board of Directors Salem YMCA

  • Former Board of Directors Salem Asset TV

  • Board of Directors Boys & Girls Club 2019-Present

Question 2: What are some of your proposed solutions towards resolving the housing crisis in Salem?
Salem has always been a city where working class people can make a life for themselves and their families and we need to continue to be that. Immigrants and minorities are likely to be the most affected if we cannot provide affordable housing solutions and I want to support everyone in my community. To resolve our issues around affordable housing I will be active and informed about solutions that will benefit as many people as possible while keeping our community whole. I will meet with developers, other government officials, businesses and employers, and members of our community to find the best solutions. 

My proposal is that we develop a long-term plan for housing in Salem and stick to that plan. We need to be flexible enough to allow developers to provide new housing options, but we cannot displace our current residents. We need to be transparent and inform the community about what is happening and why, and we need to use housing formulas that include low income projects, Seniors, Veterans and mixed housing projects. I will work to make that happen, and I will not sign off on policies that move people out of our community.

We also need to balance the type of construction we allow and plan better in our growth so quality of life doesn't be affected.

Question 3: How do you see Salem impacted by the climate crisis and what new initiatives would you take to lead Salem's resiliency efforts?
The whole world is impacted by the climate crisis. Salem is on the coast and could eventually have a problem if the sea level continues to rise. We need to continue to look for sustainable solutions. One initiative that I support and will continue to support is promoting solar energy. Through Solarize Mass, Salem has partnered with Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC), the Department of Energy Resources (DOER) to offer cheaper solar energy for Salem residents. We also need to work with Salem State University and our local scientists and organizations to educate residents on steps everyone can take to live more sustainably. We can all try to carpool more, walk or use bicycles, use less water, pick up trash, and do little things to change the negative impact we are having on the climate.

Question 4: Please outline some ideas you have that can enhance civic engagement at the city level.
The first thing to do is to continue to listen to Salem residents and be a voice for their ideas and concerns. I also want to offer more community conversations and events where all of Salem can come together to get educated on what is happening in the city and share their ideas and concerns. I want to make events available in multiple languages, so everyone has a voice. The last thing I want to do is to offer mentorship to people who want to run for official city positions or who want to learn what they can do to be involved. I want to make opportunities for everyone to be able to be involved in supporting Salem.

Question 5: How do you think Salem should continue working on issues of race equity, now that the City's first Race Equity Task Force has submitted its report?
As a member of the equity force and as a Latino American resident that I am, I see the intention of this administration to create and start the conversation about racial inequality very interesting, Salem has been a city where by its great majority welcomes all races, but I think it was due to start the conversation long before the issue became National, thus creating a political environment that in the eyes of many is not right. I believe that we still have to continue talking about racial inequality, systematic racism and the lack of inclusivity at all levels in Salem and make sure that all individuals and organizations are part of that conversation. I understand that this is only the beginning and I congratulate the authorities for the initiative.