School Committee: Armerys Suárez Peguero

Question 1: Why are you running for School Committee? What particular skills do you bring to the position?
I am an active teacher who has worked at all levels: in the public and private sector, as well as in charter schools. I know firsthand the needs of students, teachers, and schools.

Soy profesora activa que ha trabajado en todos los niveles: en el sector público y privado, así como en escuelas autónomas independientes (charter). Conozco de primera mano las necesidades de estudiantes, profesores y escuelas.

Question 2: The COVID-19 pandemic substantially disrupted education last year and had unequal impacts for different students. What information will you ask district leaders to provide the School Committee to monitor the success of district efforts in 2021-22 to help all students adjust to the new school year and meet their learning goals?
Many young people experience disconnection in the regular educational system, and distance learning has worsened this issue. I would want to set goals to provide better accommodations to support them as well as monitoring the effectiveness of such measures, as well as providing students with a relevant curriculum, schedule flexibility, socio-emotional individualized support, consistent communication, and follow-up.

Muchos jóvenes se sienten desconectados en el sistema educativo regular y el aprendizaje a distancia ha empeorado este problema. Me gustaría establecer metas para proporcionar mejores acomodaciones para apoyarlos, así como monitorear la efectividad de tales medidas, también brindar a los estudiantes un plan de estudios relevante, flexibilidad de horarios, apoyo socioemocional individualizado, comunicación constante y seguimiento.

Question 3: The school district recently adopted a 2-year plan for coordinated high school redesign, covering all three high schools in the district. The success of the plan depends in large part on strong implementation. What will you do as a School Committee member to support the implementation of the high school redesign plan?
I would want to help set up goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based, assessment and remediation procedures, and contingency plans.

Me gustaría ayudar a establecer metas que sean específicas, medibles, alcanzables, relevantes y basadas en el tiempo, procedimientos de evaluación y remediación y planes de contingencia.

Question 4: What is one step you will take as a School Committee member to advance education equity in Salem?
Make sure to hire professionals with a background of proven success in their field of expertise in similar demographic areas.

Asegurarse de contratar profesionales con antecedentes de éxito comprobado en su campo de especialización en áreas demográficas similares.

Learn more about Armerys Suárez Peguero on Facebook